Participation and expenditures for hunting, fishing and general rural outdoor recreation in Arizona in 1970

Published in 1973

The primary objective of this study was to estimate expenditures, participation and the socioeconomic characteristics and attitudes associated with rural outdoor recreation in Arizona for 1970, A secondary objective was to compare the results of the 1970 data to the results of the data recorded for a 1965 study. In previous Arizona recreational surveys, no attempt was made to estimate participation and expenditures for general rural outdoor recreation. Consequently, this research, for the first time, estimated total participation and expenditures for general rural outdoor activities by Arizona residents.

To accomplish these objectives required obtaining a random sample drawn from the Arizona resident population and also from a population of nonresident sportsmen. Expenditure data were derived for variable expenses including lodging, additional food and refreshment, transportation and other variable cost items. Activity participation was measured in terms of total household-days afield, mandays afield and household-trips. The results indicated significant increases in participation and expenditures for outdoor recreation activities in 1970 compared to those reported for 1965.


Depping, Carl Duane

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