Connecting the University with our Communities

Cooperative Extension works to improve lives, communities, and the economy through a statewide network of knowledgeable faculty and staff. As part of a land-grant university, Cooperative Extension plays a critical role in our mission to educate our communities and establish pipelines to enable future success in regional and global economies and to develop new knowledge and technologies to benefit society. With offices in all 15 of Arizona’s counties and on five tribal nations, Cooperative Extension connects students in the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences with citizens across the state who are interested in topics such as youth development, animal health, sustainability, business, nutrition and health, plants and pests, and management of natural resources.

Cooperative Extension faculty in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics collaborate with agricultural and agribusiness industries and managers, natural resource users and organizations, and policy- and decision-makers throughout the state to conduct applied research and economic analysis addressing pressing community issues related to agricultural production, economic development, and the natural environment.

Cooperative Extension Programs

AREC Extension Publications

Looking for a particular publication? Browse and access archived and recent publications by Cooperative Extension faculty in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.