2017-2018 AREC MS students

Sept. 18, 2017

AREC is proud to present our continuing and incoming cohort for the 2017-2018 academic year.  You can view each of their profiles at the Graduate Student directory.

From left to right:

Front row:  Pengfan Zhang, Xiaoting Wu, Nate Hu, Celia Simpson, Joseph Blumberg, Jessica Qiao, Chris Salters, Mubanga Chishimba, Elena Chin, Joseph Navelski.

Back row: Xinye Wu, Dezheng Qu, Shanguan Lou, Anthony Batchelder, Rowan Isaaks, Ryan Young, Siddharth Kishore, Andrew Lobo. 

Not pictured: Rajat Gupta, Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun, Natalia Perozzo.