EWRE Student Effort

Nov. 23, 2015

Alba Ramos is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental & Water Resource Economics in December 2015. Ms. Ramos proactively decided to attend the 2015 Southwest Climate Summit where she networked with Federal organizations such as the U.S. Geological Survey, US Bureau of  Reclamation and, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. By attending this event she not only got to know people in the industry but they were exposed to who she is and her undergraduate research project. The photo above is from Ms. Ramos’ undergraduate research which she completed this summer on Sectoral and Spatial Distribution of Water Rights. Ms. Ramos was partially funded by AREC for her travel and attendance at this conference due to the generous donations from various AREC alumni to the Undergraduate Enrichment Fund. Below is her summary of the conference: “The theme was bridging the gap from science to management action in climate adaptation. People from many departments and institutes gave talks about their findings and activities. People were there representing: USGS, Point Blue Conservation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Bureau of Reclamation, US EPA, USDA Forest Service, and a couple of universities. Scientists, researchers, scholars, policy makers, and others shared their knowledge. The first day of the conference we also broke off into topic groups and topics included: Tribal climate adaptation, range land systems, Colorado River Watershed (which I attended), and Landscape conservation and design, to name a few.”  AREC applauds Ms. Ramos’ research and her efforts of gaining experience outside of the classroom by attending this summit.