Fall 2023 Career Days

Scan QR Code or follow this link to the Career Days Fall 2023 event page.


Careers in science, technology, engineering and more. Our best-attended fair of the year.

Participating employers will be hiring for a variety of job roles in the natural sciences, health care, higher education, photonics, research, computer science, engineering, math, bio-science, and other STEM-related fields.

All University of Arizona students welcome. Business casual or business professional dress recommended.

Student check-in will begin promptly at 12 p.m. Employers please plan to arrive by 11:30 a.m.

We cannot wait to connect you to employers with excellent opportunities. We hope to see you there and remember that we are here for you!


Noon to 4 p.m. Sept. 19, 2023


Grand Ballroom, Student Union Memorial Center